Fellowship Meals
One Sunday each month, we share a fellowship meal together as a congregation. We encourage folks to bring pot luck covered dishes to share. Visitors are welcome to join us as we share a meal with one another.
(On Sunday’s with a fellowship meal, our Bible study class will not meet.)
2025 Sunday Fellowship Meal Schedule
March 23
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
April 20
Easter Breakfast - 10:00 AM
May 18
Spring Meeting Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
June 22
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
July 27
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
August 24
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
September 21
Fall Meeting Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
October 26
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
November 23
Catered Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM
December 28
Fellowship Lunch - 12:15 PM