Why the name “Primitive Baptist”?
Did you know the first definition of “primitive” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary states that the word is a synonym for “original”?
People are often surprised to learn that a church named “Primitive Baptist” is not backward thinking or archaic. Instead, the term “primitive” was meant to indicate the church’s desire to remain true to the original, or “primitive” doctrines found within the scriptures. The Northern Virginia Primitive Baptist Church holds to the London Baptist Confession of Faith, which was adopted in 1689.
At NOVA PBC, we maintain the simple practice and doctrine of the New Testament, despite the changing values and customs around us. We are a church that holds fast to the ancient faith of Biblical Christianity, and our desire is to grow and go forward in the Lord’s service.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
— Matthew 28:19